Developing and Contributing

Working on Eskapade-Core

You have some cool feature and/or algorithm you want to add to Eskapade. How do you go about it?

First clone Eskapade.

git clone eskapade-core


pip install -e eskapade-core

this will install Eskapade-Core in editable mode, which will allow you to edit the code and run it as you would with a normal installation of eskapade.

To make sure that everything works try executing eskapade without any arguments, e.g.


or you could just execute the tests using either the eskapade test runner, e.g.

cd eskapade-core
eskapade_trial .


cd eskapade
python test

That’s it.


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change. You can find the contact information on the index page.

Note that when contributing that all tests should succeed.

Tips and Tricks

  • Enable auto reload in ipython:
%load_ext autoreload

this will reload modules before executing any user code.